Privacy Policy



Introduction Lancashire & North West Beekeepers Association (L&NWBKA) is a membership organisation for beekeepers in the local area. In turn L&NWBKA is itself a member organisation of The British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) and acts as an agent for the collection of subscriptions and premiums for Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd. (BDI). L&NWBKA also has relationships with BeeCraft and Beebase. This Privacy Policy applies to all these activities. For the purposes of this statement, members, whether individuals, branches or other groups are referred to as ‘members’

We maintain high standards of confidentiality regarding the personal information provided to us by our members. This Privacy Policy has been prepared to inform you of our policies and practices concerning the collection, processing and security of your personal information which we use in relation to our activities within L&NWBKA.

Personal information For this Privacy Policy, personal information means any information we may hold about you, which is recorded in any form. In order to provide you with membership and other services we offer and to keep you in touch with you about our activities. We have a contractual obligation to process your personal information and this Privacy Policy explains why and how we collect, use and store your personal information.

What type of personal information do we use? All personal information is held in strict confidence and not revealed to anyone outside L&NWBKA unless it is necessary in relation your membership of L&NWBKA or is otherwise expressly or implicitly authorised by you or required by applicable law.

In the course of our relationship with you, we will need to collect, process, and, sometimes, disclose various types of personal information for various purposes associated with your membership. The personal information we collect may vary between individuals and may include some or all of the following:

How do we use your personal information? L&NWBKA uses personal information for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Under no circumstances will we sell any of your personal information to another organisation for them to promote their products or services to you.

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

You may ask for your details to be modified at any time.

We may also disclose personal information about you to other organisations that perform services for us. Only such personal information as is relevant will be provided to such organisations, providing they agree to provide appropriate protection for such information.

Use of your information outside the European Union We may sometimes need to transfer your personal information to countries outside the EEA where the level of protection may not be as comprehensive as it is within the EEA. Where appropriate, we have procedures in place to ensure that your personal information is adequately protected.

Accuracy and Access We will endeavour to ensure that any personal information provided by you and/or held by us is as accurate, current and complete as necessary for the purposes for which we use that information.

You have a right to request access to your personal information and to request a correction to it if you believe it is inaccurate. In the event that you believe that your personal information is not accurate or you require access to your personal information, you may make a request using the contact details below.

We will always endeavour to provide timely access to your personal information. However, we may verify your identity to our satisfaction prior to doing so. Further, there may be circumstances where access cannot be granted. For example, where access would lead to the disclosure of personal information of another individual and that individual refuses to provide consent to the disclosure, or information subject to privilege or other legal restrictions. In such cases you will be notified of the reason why it is not possible to grant access to your personal information.

Limiting collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information L&NWBKA may collect and store your personal information in many forms (hard/soft copy, electronically, facsimile, telephone conversations/recordings, etc.), but will only do so by lawful means and only for necessary purposes that have been disclosed to you.

Personal information collected in any form will only be retained so long as it is required: a) for the purpose for which it was collected; b) to be retained by law; or c) to address any issues that may arise at a later date. When your personal information is no longer required for these identified purposes, we use secure procedures to destroy, delete or erase the personal information.

Consent By providing your personal information to L&NWBKA, you agree that we may collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, as updated from time to time. If you do not agree with these terms, you are requested not to provide any personal information to us, other than that which is necessary in relation to your membership with L&NWBKA.

Please note that there are circumstances where the use and/or disclosure of personal information may be justified or permitted or where L&NWBKA may or must disclose information without consent, in accordance with the applicable law. Where obliged or permitted to disclose information without consent, L&NWBKA will not disclose more information than is required for the purpose that obligates or permits us to disclose such information.

You have the right to revoke your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information at any time. We will discuss with you the reason we need your personal information and why the revocation of your consent affects our ability to continue with certain aspects of your membership with L&NWBKA, including the provision of benefits for which you have paid.

Storage and Security L&NWBKA has taken steps to maintain physical, procedural and technical security for personal information. We will take appropriate technical and organisation measures to keep your information confidential and secure in accordance with our internal procedures for covering the storage, access and disclosure of information. L&NWBKA intends to use the services of eReturn2 provided by BDI Ltd and Purely Solutions Ltd as the prime method of storing and processing your membership data, as this provides a fully secure and GDPR compliant membership system. However, information may be also kept in paper files.

eReturn2: BDI / Purely Solutions act as a ‘Data Processor’ in relation to our membership services. L&NWBKA have a contract in place which confirms that the processing of your data will comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Local data: There will be times when data is downloaded to local computers – eg for the printing of address labels. In such circumstances data will be processed and deleted after processing. Any files stored locally will only be held on password protected computers that will have anti-virus and anti-malware protection installed.No data will be emailed that is not password protected or otherwise encrypted either internally within L&NWBKA or to third parties.

Our website and social media This Privacy Policy includes activity in relation to our website ( We cannot control the use of your personal information by external websites or social media to which you subscribe or choose to access.

No personally identifiable information will be used on our website.

You are not required to use social media to inform the public that you are a member L&NWBKA, but you may do so, providing the information you use is accurate and is not derogatory or defamatory. Use of your personal information and contact details on social media or external websites is entirely at your discretion and L&NWBKA cannot be responsible for the actions of any third party organisations.

Accountability L&NWBKA takes the protection of personal information seriously. We require all the other organisations who provide services in connection with our activities to comply with these obligations.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, L&NWBKA is registered as a 'Data Controller' on the public Register of Data Controllers as maintained by the Information Commissioner.

Effective date of this Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy is in effect as of May 2018 and was last updated on 17th September 2018. In the event of any further updates, an appropriate notice will be issued to you.

Contact us Should you have any questions, complaints or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the personal information we hold about you, you can contact us via the L&NWBKA Data Protection Mailbox, email:

AL/ 25.09.18